Released a new feature for the Tasks product and made several improvements.
Tasks product
  • Fixed a bug in the Tasks product where the creator's first and last name wasn't showing up immediately after creating a task or subtask.
  • Added an estimated time column in tasks. You can set the time in hours that a task will take, and it's sortable - great for an additional prioritization component.
  • Added date and time for comments when created.
  • Added the ability to mention members of a business in a comment.
  • Added an attachment and comment button to each task, which shows when you have either attachments or comments on a task.
  • Fixed a bug when creating a task or subtask that prevented it from being displayed upon creation.
  • Added the ability to have task attachments deleted by the task space owner, any member with task management permissions, and the member who uploaded them.
CRM product
  • Fixed a bug in the notes section of the CRM.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented registering with Google and Facebook.
More information on the comments and mentions task feature:
Whenever a comment is added to a task, the creator of the task will be notified via email. If someone else on the team has at least added one comment on the task, they will be notified when future comments are added. To stop being alerted, their past comments must be deleted.
The user commenting will never receive an email alert unless they are the creator of the task and are not the ones commenting, or they are mentioned in a comment by someone else. When mentioning a member, it will notify them via email for that one comment only. They will not receive subsequent comment notifications unless they had at least one comment made previously.
For private task spaces, mentioning a member does not infer access to the space. They will receive an email notification, but they won't be able to access the space unless given access to it. Any member that made a comment or was mentioned but then had their access removed from the business, their icon will show up as an archived member.